About Us

Dean LaVerta

Dean is a scientist and expert in the marine and microbiology field. He built the Microalgae Bioreactor, as well as developed a new technology for vertical indoor shrimp farming. He is also a world class expert on coral reef restoration.

University of Miami Bachelor of science in Marine Biology and Biochemistry 1988

University of Miami with Masters in marine biology and Biochemistry in 1989

University of Miami PhD 1991

Zoya Kogan

Zoya is the inventor of the bioreactor and cofounder.


Algae Creations Biotech Startup, May 2020-Present

Co-Founder - President

Dr. Robert Valenti - PhD Marine Biology

1968 – 1972 Head of Vertebrates Studies, Aquatic Sciences

1972 – 1976 Senior Research Scientist, Head of Fin Fish Studies

1976 – current Owner and director Multi Aquaculture Systems in Amagansett, NY.

Dr. Robert Valenti is an iconic scientist and researcher in the field of marine and microbiology. He is world renowned in the fish farming and algae development field. Dr. Valenti started Multi Aquaculture Systems in 1976 and was the first to farm striped bass and operated a Bioassay Lab for government contracts. He developed many breeding techniques that were groundbreaking at the time and still used today. The Algae Creations Microalgae Bioreactor and Lab is here at the fish farm.

Dr. Michael Rubinstein

PhD in Physics Harvard University

M.A Harvard University

B.S in Physics, California Institute of Technology

Dr. Rubinstein’s accomplishments are too long to list; we have a 32-page c.v.

available. He is the professor and head of the Duke University science department. He

has consulted hundreds of other major companies from Halliburton to Kodak. Dr.

Rubinstein is one of the worlds premiere material and physical scientists. He

has giving us great assistance with the creation and design for our Microalgae

Bioreactor, and is the lead advisor for our testing of the Microalgae


Dave Katragadda

Dave is an accomplished investor and instrumental player in global markets, investing in

various organizations spread across Education, Health Care, Information Technology,

Chip Design, and Real Estate verticals. Being a strong believer in ‘Living Beyond Life’,

he actively participates and contributes to ‘green’ projects and also contributed to

‘Clinton Global Initiatives’ fund. Co-Founder of three companies that have become

billion-dollar companies.

Mr. Dave— Founder and Managing Director of Nexzen Bio-energy

Mr. Dave - Founder and Managing partner of Exponential Growth Capital, a private hedge fund in the USA

BS in chemical engineering from Andhra University.

MS In Petroleum Engineering from University of Southern California

MS in Industrial and Systems Engineering from University of Alabama in Huntsville

Richard Leong

Richard has been in Commercial Real Estate since 1989, working for some of the

largest real estate companies in NYC. 14 years ago, he opened his own very

successful company and has contact with most of the builders and real estate moguls

in NYC.

Graduate of The Wharton School of Finance.